10 More Movie Mistakes You Can’t Believe You Didn’t Spot

6. A Bad Guy Waits For Their Cue - Cyborg

Cyborg 1989
The Cannon Group

A movie scene/shot can be saved or soiled in the editing suite.

If you need an example of just how much of a difference the decision to leave a few additional seconds in a sequence can make, well, look no further than this rather comical but easily overlooked mistake that was ultimately left in Albert Pyun's 1989 cyberpunk actioner known as Cyborg.

As Jean-Claude van Damme's Gibson Rickenbacker and Deborah Richter's Nady Simmons flee from their enemies through a salt marsh, the action cuts to a number of other adversaries sprinting towards the martial arts legend, looking to kick some cool-looking ass in a puddle.

But if you stop focusing on the mountain of beef charging towards Gibson for a moment, the odd visual of their fellow pirate just standing still for a bit in the background before seemingly remembering where they were becomes a hilarious distraction you won't believe you ever missed.

What probably happened here is that the enemy in question was waiting for a cue to start running. 

Rather than cut the moment so it picked up right as they were mid sprint, though, the editor clearly overlooked the baddy frozen still in the distance for a few seconds and just happily threw this awkward version of the shot into the finished picture.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...