10 More Movie Mistakes You Can’t Believe You Didn’t Spot

7. A Vanishing Sword - Dune: Part One

Cyborg 1989
Warner Bros.

From a vanishing car, to a disappearing sword.

Boasting without question some of the most impressive and consistently gorgeous visual effects work of recent times, both of Denis Villeneuve's Dune pictures are overflowing with rich detail in just about every single shot. But even some of the most well-crafted movies of all time still contain the odd error here and there, and that was certainly the case in Part One of this Dune saga.

Keep an eye on one of the three Sardaukar soldiers closing in on Dr. Liet Kynes in the middle of the Arrakis desert, and you'll spot that merciless warrior on the far left's weapon oddly turning invisible for a second or two as they react to the incoming Sandworm of doom.

It's most likely this particular Sardaukar and their reaction to the Shai-Hulud tremors were shot in front of a blue screen, with the VFX team then probably only noticing that this blade awkwardly hadn't fully survived the process of being added to the rest of the desert sequence too late in the day.

Luckily, though, you were no doubt too busy keeping an eye on all that shifting sand to notice this Sardaukar's sword had strangely gone walkabouts for a few seconds.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...