10 More Movie Mistakes You'll Never Unsee

1. A Blatant Stunt Person Swap - Encino Man

Encino Man
Buena Vista Distribution

For a whole host of reasons, sometimes the actors starring in a feature just aren't available to shoot the odd shot in the thick of a sequence they're otherwise very much a part of.

Look no further than the bizarre moment in the middle of 1992 caveman comedy Encino Man's Driver's Ed hijacking scene when Sean Astin's Dave very briefly becomes a different human being entirely as Link speeds off in a car.

In the seconds after Astin dives through the window to try and quickly stop Link's joyride, when paused at just the right moment, it seems that the eventual Lord of the Rings star wasn't on hand to participate in one particular shot involving his character and Brendan Fraser's.

So, a stunt person was evidently brought in for the moment. But instead of strategically hiding their face in order to fool audiences into thinking this was actually Astin attempting to stay alive in the speeding vehicle, the stunt worker simply decided to sneak their own mug into the mix for a cheeky cameo of sorts.

That's definitely Astin bobbing up and down in the background throughout the majority of the rest of this mad dash. But for a second or two there, Astin's anything but identical stunt double was the unexpected and likely unintentional star of the show.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...