10 More Movie Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same Way After This

8. Kate's Dino Comet Bombshell Comes With A Perfectly Timed Visual Aid - Don't Look Up

Hackman Unforgiven

Proving there's still more than a few flickers of hilarity to be found even in the build-up to the end of the world, Don't Look Up actually comes equipped with one of the most easily missable visual gags of recent times.

Hot on the heels of figuring out that a comet bigger than the astroid that took out the dinosaurs was heading Earth's way, Kate Dibiasky lets her boyfriend Phillip in on the jaw-dropping reality that is about to literally collide with the planet.

And it's during this conversation on the street, that eventually results in Phillip understandably hyperventilating, that a rather brilliant background artist can be spotted in the distance strutting around in a dinosaur costume. You know, just to hammer home the fact that an extinction-level event was hurtling towards our own ignorant spinning rock and Kate's own dino-name-dropping line on the matter a few beats earlier.

Sure, it may take a bit of the edge off of the life-changing bombshell. But once you notice an oblivious dinosaur handing out leaflets as their kind's emphatic end is used as a reference to describe mankind's own unsettling fate, you'd be forgiven for cracking another awkward smile amidst the chaos.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...