10 More Movie Openings That Totally Trolled Audiences

9. The Opening Mugging - Batman (1989)

Mission Impossible 3 Tom Cruise
Warner Bros.

Even the most casual Batman fan knows that Bruce Wayne's parents were canonically killed when they were gunned down in an alleyway during a robbery, right?

Well, Tim Burton exploited this fact quite perfectly during the very first scene of his 1989 movie. After the film's credits, the opening sequence takes us to Gotham City, where a mother, father, and their son are walking through Gotham's theater district while trying to hail a cab.

Eventually the father leads them down a dark alleyway where they're accosted by criminals and the father is indeed robbed.

But rather than lead to the deaths of the parents and the revelation that the young boy is Bruce Wayne as expected, the sequence ends with the family surviving and the criminals being attacked by none other than Batman.

In the context of modern wink-wink superhero movie Easter eggs this might seem super basic, but for its time it was incredibly effective in playfully misleading audiences to expect a Bruce Wayne origin story at the very beginning of the film.

The fateful scene does finally play out much later in the movie, complete with the controversial revelation that Jack Napier aka The Joker (Jack Nicholson) was the Waynes' killer, which some fans consider another act of trolling in of itself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.