10 More Movie Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

9. The Terminator Was Using A Prop Gun For THAT Trick - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Knives Out
TriStar Pictures

The colossal Arnold Schwarzenegger may not be your average mortal man, but even the mountain of muscle would've struggled to execute one of the coolest moves in movie history using an authentic-looking shotgun.

Trying to do his Terminator 2: Judgement Day spin-reload with your usual shotgun would be pretty damn difficult due to how small the lever typically is.

So, a modified prop with a bigger lever was designed specifically for the iconic reloading sequences, secretly tricking you into believing the T-800 was pulling off this move with your standard fake shotgun.

According to the director's commentary though, there was one occasion when the multiple-time Mr. Olympia accidentally picked up the wrong version of the prop shotgun and went for one of his trademark spins.

With this one having a smaller lever than he was used to, the big lad - who had already ripped away the skin on his hands due to all of his shotgun spinning practice - got his fingers caught, and the weight of the weapon snapping back on his hand nearly broke it.

Even the most effective big screen tricks come at a painful price sometimes.

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