10 More Movie Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

8. Mary Poppins' Bathroom Dip Wasn't CGI - Mary Poppins Returns

Knives Out

It would've likely been a whole lot easier to chuck a digital Emily Blunt into a bubble bath and have her magically disappear into the suds.

Where's the fun in that, though?

Instead of heading down the CGI route, the creative special effects squad working on Rob Marshall's Mary Poppins Returns decided to actually install a bath slide for the "Can You Imagine That?" number.

This allowed the actors to legitimately shoot into the bubbles before arriving in a space underneath the set for the moment involving Poppins and co. diving into an underwater world.

It's such a slick and well-executed piece of movie magic, there likely wasn't a single soul in theatres who assumed this was anything other than another piece of CGI wizardry.

But as seen in a wonderful Disney featurette focusing on what was no doubt the most enjoyable day of the shoot for all involved, sometimes all you need is a giant slide, a ton of bubbles, and some committed thespians to realise a magical moment audiences didn't even notice was fooling them.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...