10 More Movie Sequels That Are FINALLY Happening

9. Zootopia 2

Bullitt 2

Disney's Zootopia was a colossal hit back in 2016, scoring not only high critical acclaim but grossing over $1 billion worldwide, enough that a sequel seemed damn-near guaranteed.

Yet despite early rumblings about Zootopia 2, the Mouse House was oddly shy about officially confirming the sequel in the years that followed, focusing instead on producing the Disney+ anthology series Zootopia+.

It wasn't until early 2023 that Disney formally confirmed that Zootopia 2 was indeed in the works, with Jared Bush and Josie Trinidad - who co-wrote the original film's script and conceived the story respectively - signed to co-direct.

Another year passed without any meaningful updates, but this past February, Disney finally revealed that the project was deep into production, confirming it to be imaginatively titled Zootopia 2 and set for a November 26, 2025 release.

Hopefully those involved have spent the near-decade it's taken to bring this sequel to the screen working on a worthy follow-up to one of the greatest animated films of the 21st century.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.