10 More Movies Actors Want You To Forget

2. Accidental Love - Jake Gyllenhaal

Accidental Love Jake Gyllenhaal
Millennium Entertainment

While the majority of these movies feature now-beloved actors during their early days in Hollywood, Accidental Love started shooting in 2008, years after Jake Gyllenhaal had already made a name for himself and received a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for Brokeback Mountain.

With David O. Russell directing Accidental Love - or as it was originally called, Nailed - it's at least easy to appreciate Gyllenhaal's enthusiasm for this black comedy about a woman (Jessica Biel) whose life changes after she's accidentally shot in the head with a nail gun.

Gyllenhaal plays her skeevy Congressman love interest, and like pretty much everybody in the movie, he isn't good.

Clearly Gyllenhaal et al. trusted a director of Russell's calibre to make the most of the demented material, but the production was a nightmare, with shooting being shut down more than a dozen times after the cast weren't paid, prompting Gyllenhaal and Biel to walk off the set.

After several years of languishing around incomplete on a studio shelf, Nailed was eventually completed without Russell, who disowned the film, being instead credited as "Stephen Greene."

Almost seven years after shooting started, it was dumped on VOD and in a few cinemas as Accidental Love, where it predictably tanked with critics and posted losses of around $25 million.

As for Gyllenhaal, you can see what he's going for with his overbearing goof of a politician character, but his performance is ultimately a sketch show caricature and nothing more. Bubble Boy had more dignity than this.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.