10 More Movies That Cleverly START With Huge Twists

1. Irréversible

The Hunt Justin Hartley
Mars Distribution

Gaspar Noé highly controversial thriller Irréversible is a unique case of this because the audience doesn't actually realise it's a plot twist until later in the movie - and even then, it's missed incredibly easily.

The film, which plays scenes in reverse-chronological order, ends with the "climax," in which Pierre (Albert Dupontel) beats a man to death with a fire extinguisher. We learn later that this was in revenge for said man allegedly raping and almost fatally beating his ex-partner Alex (Monica Bellucci), yet during the scene of Alex's attack itself, it's clear that the assailant wasn't this man.

Basically, Pierre and Alex's current partner Marcus (Vincent Cassel) got the wrong guy, but it gets even worse than that. Anyone with the stomach to ever revisit Irréversible might notice that during the opening scene where the mistaken perpetrator is killed, the actual attacker is standing literally feet away from him.

Though it's easy to miss this given the visually disorientating nature of the film's brutal opening sequence, ultimately the real rapist is never caught or brought to justice.

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The Hunt
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.