10 More Movies That Cleverly START With Huge Twists

9. Fresh

The Hunt Justin Hartley

Though the trailers for last year's gloriously unhinged horror film Fresh made it clear that Sebastian Stan's hunky protagonist Steve is actually something untoward, the marketing was sensibly restrained in refusing to reveal precisely how depraved the guy really is.

An opening meet-cute between Steve and protagonist Noa (Daisy Edgar-Jones) leads to a whirlwind love affair, but after Noa agrees to a weekend away with him, he drugs her cocktail.

When Noa awakens, she's chained up and Steve not only calmly explains that he drugged her, but that he's going to surgically remove pieces of her body over time in order to sell them to his wealthy cannibalistic clients. Yup.

Needless to say, the marketing and the movie itself led viewers to assume that Steve was "only" going to abduct Noa and keep her prisoner for his own sadistic pleasure, but the cannibalistic twist makes the whole setup so much more deranged.

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The Hunt
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.