10 More Movies That Eerily Predicted Things In Real Life

5. Minority Report - Targeted Advertising

Contagion 2

Ever found yourself having a throwaway conversation about purchasing a pair of hiking boots before later being suddenly inundated with mobile ads suggesting the best place to find your brand new mountain climbers? Well, you have Steven Spielberg's Minority Report to thank for that... well, sort of.

Long before Instagram, Facebook and Twitter were recommending items to spend your hard earned cash on based on the information they pick up from your everyday chats, Tom Cruise' Chief John Anderton was experiencing something similar as he wandered through a mall in the sci-fi flick.

Upon having his eyes scanned, various advertisements begin to sprout up in front of the character via holograms, suggesting that he should invest in everything from a cheeky pint of Guinness to a relaxing vacation in the sun as he frantically bolts through the shopping centre.

We may not have to quite literally duck and dive our way through advertisements as depicted in the 2002 feature, but we perform those very same actions internally on a daily basis as we navigate the marketing nightmare that is the Internet.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...