10 More Movies That Eerily Predicted Things In Real Life

4. Eurovision Song Contest: The Story Of Fire Saga - The U.K. Come Away With Zero Points

Contagion 2

Now, admittedly, this next entry would be a little more impressive if the U.K. didn't have a notoriously awful record when it comes to the Eurovision Song Contest in recent times, not winning the competition since the turn of the century, but it's still pretty uncanny all the same.

Almost a full year before James Newman found himself on the receiving end of a putrid zero points at this year's event, Netflix's Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga pretty much called the country's pathetic fate on the night. Rather aptly, one of the film's British stars Dan Stevens played a character by the name of Alexander Lemtov who lets loose the line, "She's quite good, but everybody hates the UK, so zero points."

Lo and behold, Danny boy set his own country up for a fall, didn't he? At least his hilariously flamboyant portrayal went down well with the fictional judges and real-life Netflix audiences alike.

Perhaps even more depressingly for the Brits reading this list, however, the U.K. also scored a disastrous null points back in 2003 when Jemini's Cry Baby invaded our ears during the contest.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...