10 More Movies That Eerily Predicted Things In Real Life

2. The Cable Guy - A Home Technology Future

Contagion 2
Columbia Pictures

Jim Carrey's character of Ernie "Chip" Douglas (aka The Cable Guy) in The Cable Guy may have been many things - a touch sensitive, a little over-attached, and slightly obsessive - but few had him down as a prophet back in 1996.

But, fast forward 25 years and The Cable Guy's epic rant in the pouring rain seems to have become a rather on-the-nose reality for the majority of the planet. In Chip's words:

"Soon every American home will integrate their television, phone and computer! Visit the Louvre on one channel, and watch female mud wrestling on another! You can do your shopping at home or play Mortal Kombat!"

Sure enough, pretty much every American home (and a good chunk of the planet, for that matter) is now able to link their massive TV screens with their latest iPhone and/or MacBook, streaming the latest blockbuster on one device whilst someone else watches the footy on another. And as the last year has taught us, shopping has never been easier from the comfort of your own couch... or dangerous, mind.

All in all, poor ol' Chip was simply ahead of his time...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...