10 More Movies That Eerily Predicted Things In Real Life

1. The Simpsons Movie - Lockdowns

Contagion 2
20th century fox

Much like Contagion would a few years later, The Simpsons Movie also eerily predicted a similar version of the planet's fate in 2020, 13 years before it became a jarring reality.

Though it was definitely a little more light-hearted than the sight of the planet realistically dealing with a global virus during the aforementioned Soderbergh flick, The Simpsons Movie provided us with a rather surreal look at lockdown life all those years ago.

Dropping a humungous glass dome on the town of Springfield in response to Homer Simpson critically polluting a lake with pig faeces, the civilians inside are forced to stay within the area and are not permitted to leave the massive structure.

Though people weren't actually encased inside of a snow globe in the end, many did comment that the eventual lockdowns that were introduced to tackle the spread of coronavirus resembled the sudden decision to drop a dome on the fictional town - with Film4 even tweeting as much when deciding to air the feature on the day of Tier 4 restrictions being introduced to the U.K.

So, there you have it, The Simpsons strike yet again when it comes to foreshadowing a real world event.


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