10 More Movies That Have Different Endings In Different Countries

1. Fight Club

Fight Club China Ending

David Fincher, Chuck Palahniuk, Brad Pitt and Edward Norton had no idea they were making a cultural touchstone back in 1999, something that would perfectly capture the malaise of modern man in the decades to come, and would accidentally resonate on an almost spiritual level with folks who never really understood its message: Fight Club.

Fincher's film takes aim at consumerism, corporate culture and individualism, and so wasn't necessarily a sure target for the China Film Association, as it arguably represents many of the values that created the People's Republic in the first place. However, the film's dalliance with a new kind of anarchic collectivism was bound to rankle with the country's typically overbearing government - the people can have their communism, just not like that.

Championing civil disobedience at every turn, Fight Club offers viewers an alternative to the neoliberal world that the West pioneered, with the ending seeing Tyler Durden (Pitt) and the Narrator (Norton) bring the entire system to a grinding halt, razing LA skyscrapers, destroying the nation's digital capital, and sending everyone back to zero.

The Chinese government, of course, couldn't let this go unchallenged. Thus, they recut the ending to remove the onset of total societal reset, and replaced it with a black title stating that “the police rapidly figured out the whole plan and arrested all criminals, successfully preventing the bomb from exploding”.

Monty Python couldn't have done better themselves.

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