10 More Movies That Have Different Endings In Different Countries

2. Fatal Attraction

Fight Club China Ending

Adrian Lyne's classic psychological thriller Fatal Attraction is not always an easy watch - especially not for members of Ashley Madison. It follows happily married man Dan (Michael Douglas), whose one-night stand Alex (Glenn Close) comes back to haunt him. She menaces, blackmails and stalks him, careening towards an ending that sees Alex shot and killed by Dan's wife, Beth (Anne Archer).

But Japanese audiences were not privy to this ending. Instead, they were treated to a dark, depressing climax, which has Alex take her own life with a knife while listening to Madame Butterfly. This was actually designed by Lyne to be the film's original ending, and was intended for general release before being nixed by the studio after test screenings didn't go as planned. They insisted audiences would want Alex to pay in more direct terms for what she had done.

Japanese distributors had been interested in the original ending from the start, which linked up thematically with Madame Butterfly - a play adapted from the original short story, which was first produced in Japan - and was perhaps why they chose to include this in the country's initial release of Fatal Attraction.

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