10 More Movies That Suck So Bad You Can’t Believe Got Made

7. Batman & Robin

Epic Movie
Warner Bros.

In a time before Christian Bale, Ben Affleck, and Robert Pattinson once again made The Dark Knight a menacing vigilante to be feared in movie theatres, the Batman franchise was in a far more cartoonish place in the '90s.

But that still didn't stop the world of Gotham from attracting big-name talents like Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, and Jim Carrey to the crime-fighting party, with the lighter Bat-movie that was 1995's Batman Forever actually being an occasionally wonderful slice of silliness in the end - Carrey going, well, full-Carrey in a green suit was a riot.

The same could not be said for the Bat-nippled catastrophe that followed Joel Schumacher's first bite at this particular superhero apple.

Just about every single person attached to Batman and Robin's quest to take down the big bad Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy spent the next few decades apologising for this all-timer of a bad idea.

Wooden performances across the board, terrible gags that miss the target with nearly every throw of the Batarang, poorly written characters, and the inescapable feeling that this brightly coloured George Clooney-starring sequel was designed solely to move more merchandise. 

Batman & Robin was such an all-round flop, it forced Warner Bros. to reboot the 'Caped Crusader' entirely and it remains one of the first movies folks point to when discussing those big-screen failures people still can't fully believe actually landed in front of a paying audience.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...