10 More Movies & TV Shows You Can No Longer Watch

1. Kids

Hush Movie
Shining Excalibur Films

Much like Happiness, Larry Clark's 1995 drama Kids has remained a deeply contentious film ever since it first released - a frank and at times extremely disturbing look at teenage sexuality, albeit one also remembered for featuring early performances from the likes of Rosario Dawson and Chloƫ Sevigny.

Despite being a considerable commercial success at the box office - grossing over $20 million against a mere $1.5 million budget - Kids hasn't seen a substantial home video release, currently available on only a decades-old DVD and extremely obscure European Blu-ray that costs a pretty penny.

It's also fair to assume that most streaming services don't want to deal with the probable blowback for releasing such a controversial movie on their platform - especially with social media's tendency towards nuance-devoid outrage.

And so, unless a boutique distributor steps in and gives Kids a new Blu-ray release, it's likely to remain a frustrating obscurity for the foreseeable future.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.