10 More Movies & TV Shows You Can No Longer Watch

8. Homicide: Life On The Street

Hush Movie

It cannot be overstated just how impactful cop drama series Homicide: Life on the Street was throughout the 1990s, and without its success, creator David Simon would've likely never been able to bring us The Wire.

Yet you couldn't be blamed for failing to appreciate the show's stature - often showing up in all-time best TV show lists - given how little interest network NBC has shown in preserving it.

Though all seven seasons were released on DVD, they've never made the leap to Blu-ray nor have they wound up on any streaming services to date.

The reason for this? Ever-pesky music clearances.

Anyone who's tried to watch Scrubs - also an NBC show, not-so-coincidentally - on streaming will appreciate how frustrating this can be, as much of the original pop music tracks ended up being replaced with lesser-known, ill-fitting replacements rather than NBC renegotiating the rights to said songs.

David Simon himself has confirmed that music clearance is the main issue holding Homicide's release back, and this may well be exacerbated if NBC no longer has the original master footage of the series, which would make musical replacements difficult if not impossible.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.