10 More Movies Where Evil Won

1. Kill List

Gone Girl Rosamund Pike
Optimum Releasing

Ben Wheatley's savage horror Kill List revolves around two hitmen, Jay (Neil Maskell) and Gal (Michael Smiley), as they carry out three hits for a mysterious new client. Their third and final target, however, leads them to a mansion where a cult's human sacrifice is taking place in the woods. 

The pair launch an assault on the various cult members, eventually resulting in Gal's death, after which Jay flees to his home, where the cultists are waiting and knock him out.

When he wakes up, Jay is forced into a knife fight with a cloaked figure referred to as "The Hunchback," and when Jay prevails, he realises that the Hunchback was actually his wife Shel (MyAnna Buring) with their son strapped to her back.

The applauding cultists have tricked Jay into killing his own family, and the film ends with them crowning him, the precise meaning of which is left eerily ambiguous as the end credits roll. 

All the same, there's nothing ambiguous here about the cult coming out on top.

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Gone Girl
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.