10 More Movies Where Evil Won

2. Speak No Evil

Gone Girl Rosamund Pike
Nordisk Film

Speak No Evil is one sick puppy of a movie, following Bjørn (Morten Burian) and Louise (Sidsel Siem Koch), a Danish couple who are invited to spend a weekend with Dutch couple Patrick (Fedja van Huêt) and Karin (Karina Smulders) at their country house.

What begins as a mildly awkward weekend away as Danish and Dutch cultural sensibilities clash eventually gives way to abject horror, when it's revealed that Patrick and Karin are serial killers whose M.O. involves murdering parents, stealing their child, cutting the child's tongue out, using them to lure the next set of parents in, and then killing the previous child.

If you expected the infuriatingly compliant Bjørn and Louise to grow a pair and fight back, bitter disappointment is in store, as the story ends with the pair stripped naked and stoned to death by Patrick and Karin, who have also cut out the tongue of Bjørn and Louise's daughter and are now using her as their latest faux-child. 

Grim isn't even the word. It'll certainly be interesting to see, though, whether or not the upcoming Hollywood remake commits to the same horrifying ending.

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Gone Girl
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.