10 More Movies Where Evil Won

5. Arlington Road

Gone Girl Rosamund Pike
Screen Gems

Arlington Road's brutal ending takes no prisoners at all, that's for sure. The film focuses on college professor Michael Faraday (Jeff Bridges), who suspects that his neighbours, Oliver and Cheryl Lang (Tim Robbins and Joan Cusack), are terrorists.

Faraday turns out to be correct, but here comes the nasty sting in the story's tail - in his attempt to stop the Langs from bombing the FBI headquarters, he's tricked into driving a car into the HQ containing the bomb itself. 

It detonates, killing Faraday and countless others inside the building, before a closing news broadcast reveals that Faraday was implicated for the crime in revenge for his FBI agent wife dying in the line of duty.

Basically, the Langs perfectly framed Faraday for their own act, leaving Faraday's son Grant (Spencer Treat Clark) orphaned and believing his father to be a terrorist, all while the Langs move to another suburb and start the whole vile cycle again. 

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Gone Girl
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.