10 More Movies Where Evil Won

4. The Last Seduction

Gone Girl Rosamund Pike
October Films

The Last Seduction is a criminally underseen neo-noir from 1994, and one which surely would've scored Linda Fiorentino an Oscar nomination had it not been foolishly aired on HBO prior to its theatrical release.

Fiorentino stars as Bridget Gregory, an all-timer femme fatale with an almost preternatural ability for wrapping men around her little finger. 

After fleeing with $700,000 from her abusive husband Clay (Bill Pullman), she shacks up with a divorced man, Mike (Peter Berg), and as he falls for her, manipulates him into going to kill Clay.

The plan goes awry, though, so Bridget kills Clay herself, and then persuades Mike to have rough sex with her, before convincing him to take part in roleplay where he confesses to killing Clay himself.

Little does Mike know that Bridget called the cops prior to this, resulting in him being arrested for rape and murder, allowing Bridget to get away with both Clay's money and his life insurance policy, seemingly leaving her well-minted for the rest of her days.

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Gone Girl
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.