10 More Movies With Creepy On-Set Stories

8. Almost Everything Burned Down - The Exorcist

Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

The Exorcist is quite simply one of the most infamous movies in the history of cinema. The horror flick was met with all manner of hysteria and terror when it released in 1973, and is still considered one of the scariest pictures of all time even 50 years later.

For all the bizarre events that were brought to the screen, the production crew of the film experienced more than enough to creep anyone out while creating them. People were hurt, the cast and crew were reportedly blessed in the name of protection from the weird and far-from-wonderful things happening, and a fire burned down almost all of the set.

The "almost" is important here, because if the whole set had burned down it would have been simply chalked up as some bad luck caused by a pigeon flying into a light box. However, the whole set didn't burn down, as there was one room that survived.

Throughout the movie, the majority of the horror takes place inside Regan MacNeil's (Linda Blair) bedroom, from the famous vomiting scene, to the exorcism itself. How strange then, that while the set of the MacNeil house burned down, Regan's room was the only one that was spared.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.