10 More Movies With Creepy On-Set Stories

9. The Summoning Of A Deity - The Craft

Suicide Squad
Columbia Pictures

The Craft has become something of a cult classic since its release in 1996, following four friends who take an interest in witchcraft and find themselves falling deeper into the world of the occult. Such magic however, seemingly was not contained to just the screen.

There were reportedly a handful of spooky things that happened during filming, but one incident in particular sticks out. When the four girls, led by Fairuza Balk's Nancy go to the beach, they hold a ritual of sorts, with the aim of invoking the spirit of the deity, Manon.

While filming, according to director Andy Fleming, at the exact moment the girls began the ritual's incantations, the sea began to rise and at one point wiped out the whole set. This was after being told that they were already at high tide, and that the waves shouldn't go any higher than they already were.

Add in the fact that Manon, a fictional deity created for the film, sounds eerily and suspiciously close to Manannan, the Gaelic god of the sea, and things get even more spooky.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.