10 More Movies With Ridiculously Subtle Foreshadowing

Did you catch the subtle hint at Nick Fury not being on Earth in Far From Home?

Knock at the cabin
Universal Pictures

Having your mind well and truly blown by an unexpected twist or deeply shocking conclusion is fun, sure. But finding the clues and details that secretly allude to those incoming jaw-dropping moments is arguably just as satisfying, if not more thrilling, right?

Each of the following exhilarating, terrifying, or side-splitting flicks all dropped a few glorious hints at what was very much on the horizon. However, they were all so small, subtle, or seemingly meaningless that you almost certainly didn't catch them during your first watch of the movies in question.

Everything from specific choices of background music, to the items of clothing worn by mysterious on-screen figures, to the programme playing on a TV set all told you more about what was heading your way than you likely realised in the moment.

So, from largely overlooked throwaway lines hinting at a character's eventual fate, to those blink-and-you'll-miss-them shots that secretly let you know someone had cheated death before an end credits scene - and thanks to the eagle-eyed legends at /r/ MovieDetails - these are even more of those fantastic and easily missed moments of movie foreshadowing that will leave you nodding your head approvingly.

10. Nick Fury's Earth Line Hints At The Skrull Within - Spider-Man: Far From Home

Knock at the cabin
Marvel Studios

It was eventually revealed in the end credits scene that followed J. Jonah Jameson's "Peter Parker" mic drop that the Nick Fury fans had been watching throughout Spider-Man: Far From Home was actually the Skrull Talos all along.

Unbeknownst to MCU lovers, the one-time Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. had been off-world since the end of Avengers: Endgame.

However, there was a rather brilliant clue that hinted at this not being the real Fury on-screen during the events of the second solo Spidey MCU outing.

Back when Parker meets Quentin Beck for the first time in Venice inside a secret base, the young Avenger is informed by Fury that Mysterio apparently isn't actually from his world. But it's the way the eye-patched icon delivers that revelation that acts as a subtle piece of foreshadowing.

His line of, "Mr. Beck is from Earth, just not yours," may not have felt that weird during a first watch. However, the fact Fury didn't opt for the word "ours" when talking about this spinning ball of chaos suggested pretty early on that this wasn't actually the bloke who brought the Avengers together at all.

It was a Talos who accidentally forgot who he was pretending to be for the briefest of moments.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...