10 More Movies With Ridiculously Subtle Foreshadowing

9. The Clothes The Four Visitors Wear Foreshadow Their Part In The Apocalypse - Knock At The Cabin

Knock at the cabin

Rudely interrupting Eric, Andrew, and Wen's family vacation in the woods, four mysterious figures break into their cabin and tie up the two fathers in the early stages of M. Night Shyamalan's Knock at the Cabin.

As the unsettling tale unfolds, these holiday invaders reveal that they've each had visions of an incoming apocalypse, with only the sacrificing of one of the family members being enough to save the rest of the people on the planet.

By the time Leonard, Sabrina, Adriane, and Redmond had all been killed by one another each time the family refused to do as they asked, each death releasing a plague on the Earth, Eric had finally come to the realisation that this peculiar bunch actually represented the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from the Book of Revelations.

This was secretly evident from the moment the strangers entered the holiday home, however.

The colours each of the figures attempting to keep the world from ending were wearing matched up with the four different riders mentioned in the bible: The White Rider (Leonard), Red Rider (Redmond), Black Rider (Adriane), and Pale Rider (Sabrina).

And that eventual revelation from Eric was also foreshadowed in the way the intruders make their way towards the cabin in the first place as they arrive in the same order as the horsemen do in the book.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...