10 More Movies With Ridiculously Subtle Foreshadowing

7. Peacemaker's Image Shows You His Fate Before It Was Confirmed Later On - The Suicide Squad

Knock at the cabin
Warner Bros.

Fresh off of murdering Rick Flag, Peacemaker looks to kill his second all-important hard-drive-holding Suicide Squad member... because he's thorough.

Before he can pull the trigger on Ratcatcher 2, though, Bloodsport drops in on the moment and the two sharpshooters proceed to fire a bullet at the other. And thanks to the fact that it was actually the rat-fearing Robert DuBois who possessed the smaller ammo, Peacemaker is shot through his own bullet and then crushed by the crumbling Jotunheim reactor.

The "bro-y Captain America" would ultimately be seen surprisingly recovering in a hospital bed, of course, with director James Gunn later noting (via Collider) how the end credits scene revealing he hadn't actually died was only added after he agreed to create the anti-hero's spin-off TV show.

However, keep an eye on the moment Waller threatens to kill the remaining Task Force X crew not too long after Peacemaker's apparent death, and you'll spot a little bit of surprise survival foreshadowing Gunn seemingly decided to add to the flick, too.

Within the kill box that contains the pictures of the various Suicide Squad members, Peacemaker's image can still be seen.

Every other member who had been killed up to this point had been blanked out in the box. But the silver-headed A-hole's picture is still there, hinting that he was still amongst the living before that eventual post-credits stinger.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...