10 More Movies You Didn't Know Were Connected
10. Jackie Brown/Out Of Sight
Throughout movie history, there are few actors who have appeared as the same character in completely separate film universes - beyond cameos at least. There are some who've played the same historical figure across numerous releases (as with Jerry Haleva who played Saddam Hussein numerous times), but generally, it's a rare phenomenon.
Pretty much the most famous example happened thanks to Michael Keaton, who appeared in Jackie Brown as FBI agent Ray Nicolette in 1997. Around the same time, Steven Soderbergh asked him to appear briefly in Out Of Sight as an FBI agent, and Keaton took the opportunity to tie the two together:
"I thought that was the coolest idea. I said, 'I'll do it. But you have to do one thing: You have to make sure he is that guy.' There has to be something in the wardrobe that you go, Oh, there he is again! 'Cause I wanted the people to be sitting in the theatre going, 'Oh, I might see him at the Dairy Queen later, like he's a real guy out there wandering around in life. Then he might pop up in another movie. He might be down at the mall!"