10 More Perfect Scenes In God-Awful Movies

5. Wolverine Gets His Adamantium Claws - X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Venom: Let There Be Carnage Post-Credits Scene Spider-Man
20th Century Fox

The complete misfire of a picture that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine sits alongside the likes of Dark Phoenix and New Mutants as one of the worst received mutant movies of all time.

But there were a few beats amidst the regularly painful experience that reminded folks why they were so damn excited about this supposed Wolverine solo story coming in.

Alongside the outstanding brothers battling through the ages opening sequence - which is still among the greatest superhero openings of all time - the birth of an adamanitium-sporting Logan is about as pitch-perfect a sequence as the X-Men series has ever produced.

After seeing the odd glimpse of a feral Wolvie being let loose with his new toys for the first time in prior entries, the agonising procedure involving this indestructible metal being drilled into his skeleton is finally realised in all its brutal glory. And it doesn't disappoint.

Then, once the wince-inducing skull piercing is finally done, the mighty Hugh Jackman is afforded yet another captivating bezerker moment of madness, unleashing a magnificent slow-mo roar before taking a bullet to the head like a champ and quickly slicing his way out of Dodge.

From there, it's back to dodgy CGI and mouthless Deadpools, naturally.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...