10 More Perfect Scenes In God-Awful Movies

4. Duel Of The Fates - Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Venom: Let There Be Carnage Post-Credits Scene Spider-Man

The first of George Lucas' Prequel Trilogy of space operas obviously comes with its fair share of divisive elements, to put it mildly.

But for every frustrating spell spent squabbling within the Galactic Senate or watching Jar-Jar Binks bumble through a battlefield, there was at least the odd epic lightsaber duel that reminded you precisely why you fell in love with this world of space wizards and stormtroopers in the first place.

The frankly superhuman displays practically brought to life throughout in Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson, and Rey Park's explosive battle between the forces of good and evil was already entirely spellbinding. Add into that the musical masterpiece that is John Williams' mesmerising Duel of the Fates tune and you have one of the most iconic sequences ever to grace the galaxy far, far away.

And if the out-of-this-world swordplay and generational scoring wasn't enough for you, the emotional and literal gut-punch/stab that is the sight of Qui-Gon Jinn being suddenly cut down before his helpless padawan's eyes is the sort of undeniably traumatic occurrence that also helped elevate this great climactic battle to the level of all-timer.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...