10 MORE Ridiculous Horror Movie Villains That Shouldn’t Have Worked… But Did
1. A Car - Christine (1983)

Far be it from us to tell you that John Carpenter's Christine is a good movie, or that it's villain - a car - works, but by all rights it ought not to. Then again, it is adapted from the Stephen King novel of the same name, and King has an preternatural talent for being able to turn the ordinary into the supernatural, the mundane into the amazing.
In the film, Christine is a red, 1958 Plymouth Fury that comes into the ownership of capital-L Loser Arnie Cunningham (Keith Gordon). Warped by his unnatural attraction to the car, Arnie becomes obsessed with the seemingly indestructible Christine and soon she is not just killing on her own time, but using Arnie to help her.
An evil sentient car sounds preposterous, and something few of us would believe really works unless we had seen it with our own eyes. Perhaps it was growing up on Brum and Thomas the Tank, but it becomes all too easy to suspend our disbelief and buy into a world where a car can hunt and murder teens around the Californian suburbs. And even though Carpenter offers up no good reason as to why Christine is sentient, it doesn't seem to matter...