10 MORE Scariest Opening Horror Movie Scenes Ever

8. Darkness Falls

sarah polley dawn of the dead
Revolution Studios

Sometimes, amazing openings aren't attached to particularly amazing films, as Ghost Ship has likely taught hopeful viewers time and again. And whilst Darkness Falls might not be the best horror movie going, it's opener is definitely one of the most chilling out there.

Starting with an old tale of Matilda Dixon, an eminently creepy campfire story is told through flickering candlelight, revealing how the woman was accused of being involved in the disappearance of two children for her kindness towards them in life. Known as the tooth fairy for giving them coins when they lost teeth, she was wrongly killed by the townspeople - and is alleged to come and seek vengeance in the town of Darkness Falls as a result.

And oh boy, does she come avenging alright. In one of the most tense hide-under-the-covers moments, the porcelain-masked Matilda lurks in the darkness of a young boy's room, ensnaring his mother after being spotted in a reflection and eventually finding her home looming over a doorway waiting to pounce. The rest might not hold up as well, but Darkness Falls's opening two punches absolutely hit home.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.