10 More Sci-Fi Movies That NOBODY Understands

1. They Live

mr nobody jared leto
Universal Studios

Wait, you might be thinking, everyone understands Halloween helmer John Carpenter's 1988 sci-fi action film They Live, right?

After all, the Roddy Piper starring cult classic may be funny, clever, insightful, and a lot of fun, but complex it's not.

Believe it or not, though, Carpenter’s seemingly unsubtle anti-capitalist satire gained a lot of unintended fans who thought it was an anti-Semitic propaganda piece, completely misinterpreting the film's blatant leftist politics as a pro-fascist agenda.

Luckily, the ever outspoken master of horror cinema was quick to slam these interpretations as "foolish", "slander", and "a lie", noting that the film is clearly about the perils of capitalism in the hyper-unregulated eighties, where Reaganomics reigned supreme and American citizens were seen as consumers first and humans second.

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Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.