10 More Sci-Fi Movies That NOBODY Understands

8. Cloud Atlas

mr nobody jared leto
Warner Bros.

Adapted from the time-twisting epic novel of the same name by The Bone Clocks author/ critically acclaimed headf***er David Mitchell, 2012's Cloud Atlas was not the Wachowski sisters’ first rodeo when it came to surreal, occasionally impenetrable sci-fi stories featuring convoluted backstories.

Unlike the labyrinthine Matrix trilogy however, this controversial timeline-bouncing epic manages to arguably make less sense on a re-watch.

Following a set of actors playing different characters in different timelines (or the same souls in different bodies during different periods of human history, maybe?) this flick makes mother! director Darren Aronofsky's comparable 2006 film The Fountain seem positively simplistic in its philosophising.

One thing you can be sure of, however, is that this film's handling of cross racial casting left a lot to be desired, a lesson the sisters learnt from in their next project, Netflix series Sense8.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.