10 More Shocking Horror Movie Monsters With Surprising Powers

3. The Alien Parasite - The Stuff

The Ruins
New World Pictures

Aliens have all sorts of tactics to infiltrate human society, including subliminal messaging, mind-control, or pretending to come in peace.

However, the unnamed extra-terrestrial in The Stuff tried something different - being yummy. In Larry Cohen's wacky satire, a boy called Jason grows concerned when everyone in his town becomes obsessed with a new ice cream called The Stuff. When his family refuse to eat anything except The Stuff, Jason suspects the titular dish harbours a dark secret.

Sure enough, Jason discovers The Stuff is an alien parasite that controls the host once consumed. The brainwashed victims will then encourage others to eat it, so the extra-terrestrial can take over as many people as possible. The Stuff eventually turns its hosts into lifeless husks before bursting out of them and restarting the cycle.

Interestingly, the suppliers had nothing but good intentions when they sold The Stuff. The Stuff Company thought the dessert could end world hunger, since it's plentiful, delicious, and calorie-free. Although they soon realised how dangerous The Stuff was, they kept selling it when their profits went through the roof.

It just goes to show that The Stuff could've been stopped a lot sooner if not for human greed.

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