10 MORE Smartest Decisions In Slasher Horror Movie History

1. Karen Fakes Being Too Scared To Shoot - Halloween (2018)

Scream 2
Universal Pictures

in Halloween (2018), Karen Nelson (played by Judy Greer) comes up with an unusual idea that ends up being one of the most genius moves ever made in a slasher horror movie. While being chased by Michael Myers, she pretends to break down in fear and acts like she is unable to use her shotgun.

By pretending to be too scared to shoot, Karen tricks Michael into revealing himself, which allows her to quickly shift her pose and shoot him in the cheek. This move not only catches Michael off guard, but also gives Karen's mother Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) the opportunity to join in the fight and ultimately knock him down the stairs into the basement.

Karen's fakeout also highlights the importance of strategy and intelligence in surviving a slasher film. Instead of relying solely on brute force or weapons, Karen uses her wits and psychological tactics to gain the upper hand in the fight against Michael. It not only showcases her badassery, but also reinforces the idea that survival in a slasher film requires both physical and mental strength.

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