10 More Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

9. The Internet Realises Padmé SHOULD NOT Have Survived This - Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Kylo Ren Rey

Remember when Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padmé Amidala had to fight their way out of trouble within the Petranaki arena during Episode II - Attack of the Clones?

The two Jedi fend off the reek and acklay, while the senator had to deal with the terrifying feline known as the nexu. She does precisely that in the end and ultimately hops off the rather large pole onto the back of the aforementioned reek her beloved Ani has remarkably managed to tame.

Back when you first watched the moment, you likely didn't bat an eyelid at that latter part, with it largely being lost in the rest of the chaos going down within the arena and forgotten after the clones finally showed up to kick some Separatist ass. 

However, as the years have rolled by, many a Star Wars fan online has actually come to realise that Amidala's jump shouldn't have been as effortless as she made it look.

She was launching herself from 20ft in the air onto a rather sturdy creature, erm, crotch-first.

It should not have ended well for the former Queen of Naboo. Perhaps Anakin used the Force to help soften her landing. Or maybe Padme is just built different.

Either way, you'll now struggle to ever rewatch this moment without wondering how in the hell she managed to not be completely broken by the impact of that nasty landing.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...