10 More Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

8. The Merging Of Two Takes - Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Kylo Ren Rey

Episode III - Revenge of the Sith boasts some of the prequels' finest moments, with a number of enthralling duels, jaw-dropping set-pieces, and memorable exchanges occurring in this third chapter in the Skywalker Saga.

And Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker's little chat at the opera certainly falls into that last category.

Because you were too busy getting lost in the former's tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise and Ian McDiarmid's tremendous work as the manipulative secret Sith Lord, though, you most likely missed a quite jarring moment.

With George Lucas constantly trying to find new ways to bring his vision to the screen, the director opted to actually use multiple different takes when editing some scenes in the prequels, taking the bits he liked from each and blending them together.

This is most noticeable during that aforementioned opera sequence. If you keep a close eye on Hayden Christensen's face in the scene (4:28 in the clip above), you'll spot that his face oddly morphs as one take is merged with another.

Just like that, good luck getting through this night at the opera again without getting massively distracted by this attempt to sneakily combine two versions of one scene via some Lucas "cyber-editing" (via Independent).

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...