10 More Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

2. "I Am Your Father" Has Reversed Footage In It - Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Kylo Ren Rey

Are you ready to never look at one of the most iconic scenes in movie history the same way ever again? Well, you better be.

Easily the most memorable moment ever to go down in a Star Wars movie, Darth Vader revealing to Luke Skywalker that he was actually his father blew the minds of audiences all over the planet back in 1980.

It's a scene that has since been watched and rewatched by generations, but even after all those years of listening to James Earl Jones' thunderous voice inform Mark Hamill's young Luke that he was his daddy, there's still a good chance you've never spotted one quite interesting detail hiding in plain sight.

Just after Jones says that legendary "I am your father" line, really focus on David Prowse within that Vader suit for the last half second or so before we see Luke's stunned face.

The footage appears to actually be reversed here! As one poster on Reddit guessed, director Irvin Kershner perhaps realised Jones' delivery was slightly longer than the footage they'd shot and decided to just briefly rewind the footage to make it fit (via Reddit).

If that's what happened, it worked, too. But it's something you'll now never be able to unsee!

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...