10 More Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

3. The Rey & Ben Kiss Was A "Goodbye" - Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Kylo Ren Rey

In a film crammed full of controversial moments, perhaps the most talked about of the lot involved two of the sequel trilogy's main characters sharing a smooch at the end of Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker.

Some think that the kiss was jarring and unnecessary, while others have defended it, feeling it was a romantic moment that was earned after watching the pair's relationship develop throughout the series.

Was this really a romantic lip-lock in the final seconds of Ben Solo's life, though? Or was it actually something else entirely? Well, according to Rey actor Daisy Ridley, she felt it was the latter.

Speaking about that kiss on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, the British star not only revealed that she felt the moment was very much "earned" and that they actually did a version of the scene without it, too, she also thought of the smooch as a "goodbye." Not only was Rey saying goodbye to Ben here, but Ridley was also saying farewell to the franchise as a whole... for a bit.

Hearing what was really going through the actor's mind here as she was preparing to smooch Adam Driver's Solo definitely adds a different layer to that divisive moment, with those who initially saw it as an out-of-nowhere romantic gesture now possibly being able to accept that this was simply a person's way of saying "goodbye" to an important person in (and part of) their life.

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