8 More Star Wars "Plot Holes" That Really Aren't

7. How Did Darth Vader Not Recognise His Own Protocol Droid?

Star Wars Plot Holes
Dark Horse Comics

While some felt that the prequel revelation of a young 'Chosen One' being Threepio's maker was a rather fascinating development, others thought the detail just made Darth Vader's lack of reaction to the droid during the original trilogy seem a bit odd in hindsight.

But though Vader may never properly acknowledge his creation and the gift he ultimately gave to his beloved Padme Amidala on their wedding day in those movies, this plot hole of sorts was actually addressed in an Expanded Universe comic.

Said Star Wars Tales #6 shows Vader briefly getting his hands on his old droid after he was blown to pieces on Cloud City in Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. 

Here, before the pair ultimately end up in a scene together in that picture, Vader remembers his childhood for a bit, his mother, repairing Threepio at his home on Tatooine, and even takes a moment to touch the droid's head against his own mask. He'd then go on to order his men to give Threepio to Chewbacca, secretly showing there was still a bit of Ani knocking around in that largely mechanical body (via Reddit).

So, Vader did recognise his old droid - in Legends canon at least - just not in a moment that made it onto the big-screen.

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