8 More Star Wars "Plot Holes" That Really Aren't

6. How Did Rey Fly The Millennium Falcon?

Star Wars Plot Holes

Making its long-awaited return to the galaxy far, far away during the opening half-hour of Episode VII - The Force Awakens, the likes of Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian were nowhere to be seen when the Millennium Falcon took flight here.

Instead, it was newcomer Rey who was sat in the cockpit, with Finn on turret duties as the pair fought off some First Order TIE Fighters.

But this pulsating sequence across the Jakku sands did leave a number of fans questioning how a person who'd never left that planet learned to fly such a rapid spacecraft.

Well, as it turns out, Rey actually used her scavenger skills to acquire some useful equipment.

Said equipment, according to the Rey's Survival Guide book by Jason Fry, was none other than a Y-wing computer display, with Rey eventually using this to run flight simulations and sharpen her piloting skills to pass the time.

It would have been nice to see this referenced in the film, sure. But at least the aforementioned guide was able to explain why she was so comfortable sitting in the driver's seat of the Falcon despite never having left Jakku.

No plot holes to see here, folks, just a ton of practice and ingenuity. So, move along.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...