8 More Star Wars "Plot Holes" That Really Aren't

5. Nobody Mentioning Ahsoka Tano In The Prequels

Star Wars Plot Holes
20th Century Fox/Disney

Back when the prequels first arrived in theatres all those years ago, Anakin Skywalker's apprentice hadn't even made her debut in the galaxy far, far away.

Today, though, Ahsoka Tano is seen as one of the most popular and compelling characters in all of Star Wars.

But with the Togruta Force-user evidently being present throughout the Clone Wars and being so important to Skywalker as a character, to many, the fact no one ever mentioned her in the prequels felt like a noticeable plot hole in hindsight.

The real-life reason for her not being acknowledged is obviously the fact that she was only introduced three years after those films had been released. However, as Star Wars: The Clone Wars unfolded, the animated series was able to finally offer an in-universe explanation for the Jedi Order strangely never talking about Tano and the character being absent during Episode III in particular.

In the series, the former Padawan of Anakin Skywalker left the Order after being wrongly accused of bombing the Jedi Temple, expelled from the Order, and then given the chance to return once her name had been cleared. 

But the damage was done. She'd lost faith in the Jedi. And you can see why no one would want to bring up such an awkward moment in the aftermath.

Though she would reconnect with her old Master just before the events of Episode III, she'd then spend much of that Revenge of the Sith period fighting on Mandalore and eventually experienced the execution of Order 66 while aboard the Tribunal Venator.

In other words, The Clone Wars show successfully filled in what was once a Tano prequel "plot hole".

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