8 More Star Wars "Plot Holes" That Really Aren't

1. Why Didn't R2-D2 Tell Luke Skywalker About His Father?

Star Wars Plot Holes

C-3PO had a decent excuse for never explaining what had gone down during the Clone Wars to young Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy. He had his memory wiped, the poor droid.

R2-D2 on the other hand (wheel? leg?), didn't go through that procedure and his memory was still entirely intact in Episodes IV-VI.

So, what was stopping Artoo from explaining to Anakin Skywalker's son that his father was, you know, Darth Vader?

Well, this plot hole actually has a quite tragic answer if you really think about it, folks.

The iconic astromech obviously remains by Anakin's side throughout much of the Clone Wars - Skywalker and Padme Amidala exchanged droids as gifts at their wedding remember? And he even rocks up to Mustafar with a newly christened Darth Vader towards the end of Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.

But R2-D2 never actually sees or hears his own master be called "Vader." He was also told to stay with the ship on that fiery planet. So, when he then rolled off the planet with Kenobi, it was probably safe to assume that Skywalker had been killed. 

And even if Artoo did see Skywalker argue and Force choke Padme in the moments before Kenobi began duelling with 'The Chosen One' - as shown in the movie's now non-canon novelisation - and possibly put two and two together and realised that Skywalker had become Vader, the droid keeping his mouth shut about the whole ordeal also makes sense.

Would you really blame him for not wanting to relive such a traumatic series of events? Conversely, maybe this little scamp just enjoyed carrying around the galaxy's biggest secret and keeping it to himself.

That's likely why he didn't pipe up when Kenobi was telling lies to Anakin's son, then, and why he never bothered to drop this important information before Skywalker finally learned the truth in Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back: this loyal droid seemingly either didn't know a thing about Anakin's survival and new life as Vader, understandably didn't want to talk about the horrible things he'd seen, or just didn't feel it was really his place to tell Luke about his daddy.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...