8 More Star Wars "Plot Holes" That Really Aren't

2. How Did Snoke Not Sense That Kylo Ren Was About To Kill Him?

Star Wars Plot Holes

Unquestionably one of the most shocking moments to go down in the sequel trilogy, the death of Supreme Leader Snoke during Episode VIII - The Last Jedi had many fans pulling a face similar to the one he did during that throne room scene.

And many of said viewers immediately questioned how Kylo Ren was able to pull a fast one on his Master here without the former having the slightest inkling he was about to join Maul in the bisected villain club.

But that's not entirely the truth.

Snoke was very much aware of and sensed Ren's intentions in this moment as Rey was positioned between them, that he was on the verge of striking down his "true enemy." That much is clear in the scene itself. 

However, despite sensing all this, what he failed to realise in this moment was that his own senses and visions had betrayed him and Ren was actually about to cut down Snoke and not Rey.

So, Snoke was actually somewhat in the know, he just didn't clock that he was being fooled by his Apprentice and was said "true enemy" until it was way too late.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...