10 More Star Wars Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

1. R2-D2 Didn't Actually Get Sucked Up Into A Sandcrawler - Star Wars: A New Hope

Rogue One Star Wars New Hope Footage

Bringing this list to an end with another moment of sandcrawler trickery, the world was first introduced to these massive vehicles and their Jawa drivers back in 1977's first Star Wars flick.

And it was during that film when poor little R2-D2 found himself being sucked up into one of the huge Tatooine machines pretty early on. But this loyal droid didn't actually find himself being pulled up into a pipe when the time came to shoot this specific original trilogy occurrence.

Instead, yet another old-school moviemaking trick was used to create the brilliant visual of the astromech flying into the sandcrawler.

Rather than attempt to yank the practical droid into that pipe on the day, C-3PO actor Anthony Daniels would eventually reveal (via StarWars.com) that the droid was dropped out of it, past the lens and onto some nearby padding out of shot.

And after all that, George Lucas and co. simply reversed the film, masterfully tricking viewers into thinking they'd just witnessed Artoo be swept up into a mechanical beast.

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