10 More Star Wars Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

8. Every Line Was Re-Recorded - Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones

Rogue One Star Wars New Hope Footage
20th Century Fox

Speaking of being fooled into thinking the dialogue you were watching was recorded on the day it was shot, it turns out you were being tricked in EVERY SINGLE scene that went down in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.

As revealed by none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi himself Ewan McGregor during a press conference for that icon's Disney+ show in May 2022 (via SlashFilm), the digital cameras George Lucas and co. were shooting with back at the start of the 2000s caused a monumental headache for all involved.

Massive umbilical cords were coming out of the back of said cameras, with these huge leads all connected to a big tent in the corner of the stage where scenes were being shot. The fact this tent "literally hummed" and was ridiculously noisy eventually led to the unfortunate realisation - at the end of shooting - that the humming sound was precisely the same frequency as the human voice.

So, the call was made to ADR every single piece of dialogue you ultimately hear in Episode II.

Those cutting-edge, new cameras may have led to some stunning visuals, but they also robbed the finished film of any originally recorded lines and created a ton of extra work.

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