10 More Star Wars Scenes You Didn't Realise Were Tricking You

7. Some Mustafar's Lava Was Taken From A REAL Eruption - Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith

Rogue One Star Wars New Hope Footage

George Lucas created some truly striking new worlds during the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

And though places like the buzzing city world of Coruscant and the watery clone home of Kamino obviously relied heavily on groundbreaking CGI, one particular prequel location wasn't actually as entirely artificial as you may have believed.

When it came to the lava planet of Mustafar that eventually leaves Anakin Skywalker looking like a crispy fried Sith, Lucas had the fantastic idea of using some real-life volcano footage to give the scene more of a realistic feel.

The Stratovolcano in question was Mount Etna in Italy, with that volcano erupting around the time Episode III was in production.

Some of the production team was sent out to capture that genuinely exploding mountain (at 41:00 in the clip above), and those fiery moving images were then used as the basis for the digital volatile bursts of lava seen throughout the dramatic duel on Mustafar.

It also may come as a bit of a surprise to hear that a gigantic miniature was also used to bring this epic scene to life. In fact, according to Paul Duncan's The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005 (via Screen Rant), this was actually the biggest miniature in Star Wars history at the time at a staggering 18 feet wide, 33 feet long, and seven feet high.

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